
Shallow Grave
January 22, 202302:11:11

Shallow Grave

UK house music, a *very* active camera, and Ewan McGregor looking like a SNACK…that’s right, folks - we’re covering Danny Boyle! With the England bit retired, we’re finally giving dual citizen David Sims the time and space to actually reminisce about his very British upbringing. A sensation in the UK upon release, SHALLOW GRAVE introduced Boyle as the cinematic voice of “Cool Britannia” - yet the film remains an under-seen gem in the States. In this episode, the boys discuss what they would do with a dead body (wouldn’t cut it up) and a suitcase of cash (would only skim off the top for a cheeky Nando’s); plus, they gush over the film’s incredible apartment setting…or should we say “flat”? Join our Patreon at patreon...

Trainspotting with Charles Rogers
January 29, 202302:37:32

Trainspotting with Charles Rogers

The UK’s answer to PULP FICTION, Danny Boyle’s TRAINSPOTTING exploded into theaters and became a global phenomenon, thanks to an iconic marketing campaign. Who *didn’t* have this poster up in their dorm room? “Search Party” creator Charles Rogers returns to the pod to talk about how his own dorm TRAINSPOTTING poster contributed to his coming out at college, and how Danny Boyle’s radical empathy and fearlessness makes this film so much more than a movie-of-the-week cautionary tale. Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram ! Buy some real nerdy merch at or at

A Life Less Ordinary with Janet Varney
February 05, 202302:22:55

A Life Less Ordinary with Janet Varney

After the smashing success of TRAINSPOTTING, Danny Boyle reteamed with star Ewan McGregor and writer John Hodge to…make a movie where Dan Hedaya plays the Archangel Gabriel, Stanley Tucci plays a cuck dentist, and Ewan has one of the worst haircuts in the history of cinema? Shockingly, 1997’s A LIFE LESS ORDINARY was not a hit. Actress and comedian Janet Varney (The Legend of Korra, “The JV Club”) joins us as we attempt to make sense of this bizarro road trip romance. Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram ! Buy some real nerdy merch at or at

The Beach with Emily Yoshida
February 19, 202302:26:38

The Beach with Emily Yoshida

Mother is back, and she’s taking us all to THE BEACH! Emily Yoshida makes her long-awaited return to the pod to speak about her experience in the writer’s room of the still-unproduced TV version of Alex Garland’s titular novel. We’re asking all the big questions - when did Leonardo DiCaprio stop being “baby” and become a big boy on screen? Why is no one practicing ethical non-monogamy or doing heroin on this island? Is it cool to like Moby again after that weird Natalie Portman thing? How would starring in this movie have affected Ewan McGregor’s career? Why stay in a commune with a bunch of dirty European hippies when you could just go to a resort with real bathrooms?  Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Tw...

28 Days Later with David Rees
February 26, 202302:40:11

28 Days Later with David Rees

Fast zombies, a deserted London, and potato-quality digital cinematography - 28 DAYS LATER proved to be a genre-defining hit for Danny Boyle after the disappointment of THE BEACH. Humorist and Blankie favorite David Rees returns to the podcast to take us back to the immediate post-9/11 period, a mood and time which this film conjures instantly. Join us for a deep dive into the zombie canon, a tangent on the famed “Young British Artists” of the 1990s, a primer on Canadian anti-capitalist band Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and a moment of disbelief when Rees discovers that Brendan Gleeson played Donald Trump in Showtime’s THE COMEY RULE.  Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram ! Buy some real nerdy merch at shopblan...

Millions with Adam Kempenaar
March 12, 202302:07:12

Millions with Adam Kempenaar

How did Danny Boyle choose to follow up the ultraviolence of 28 Days Later? With a winsome kid’s movie about morality and currency conversion, of course! Filmspotting’s Adam Kempenaar joins us to revisit 2004’s Millions, which he originally covered in the second episode of Filmspotting back in 2005 (!) Why did Danny Boyle want to make a family-friendly film? Should this have been a musical? Was there ever a point in time where it seemed like Britain would adopt the Euro? Plus, the most important question of all - what would Ben have done with that bag of money? Join our Patreon at  Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram !  Buy some real nerdy merch at or at

March 19, 202302:24:42


The time has come for us to board the Icarus II (awful name for a spaceship) and stare directly into the sun. First mentioned as a movie that rules way back when we were only a podcast about the Star Wars Prequels, Griffin and David finally get to cover Danny Boyle’s 2007 Science Fiction flop SUNSHINE. We’re getting into everything - the iconic score, the brilliantly restrictive use of colors, the hot scientist named Brian Cox (not Logan Roy) who served as a model for Cillian Murphy’s character, and the film’s very controversial third act. Staring into the sun? Bad idea. Taking the time to re-appraise this forgotten gem? A GREAT ONE. Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram ! Buy some real nerdy merch at shopblank...

Slumdog Millionaire with Siddhant Adlakha
March 26, 202302:17:34

Slumdog Millionaire with Siddhant Adlakha

Danny Boyle is about to win the Oscar. How did he do it? A) He Cheated, B) He’s Lucky, C) He’s a Genius, D) IT IS WRITTEN. Critic Siddhant Adlakha joins us to dissect the improbable success of Boyle’s 2008 Dickens-by-way-of-Mumbai hit SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. We’re getting into everything, from the film’s reputation in India to the 2009 Oscar ceremony with Hugh Jackman, from UK teen TV sensation “Skins” to the unexpected success of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” in primetime. Jai Ho! Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram ! Buy some real nerdy merch at or at

127 Hours with Sean Clements
April 02, 202302:37:10

127 Hours with Sean Clements

Welcome to another installment in the “If This Happened to Ben Hosley, It Wouldn’t Have Gone Down Like That” series of films - it’s 127 HOURS! Hollywood Handbook’s Sean Clements returns to the pod as we all discuss what we would do if, like real-life outdoorsman Aron Ralston, we got literally “stuck between a rock and a hard place.” What is gnarlier - cutting off your own arm, drinking your own pee, or hosting the Oscars the same year you get your first acting nomination and completely self-sabotaging during it? James Franco, we’re looking at you. Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram ! Buy some real nerdy merch at or at

Trance with Nia DaCosta
April 09, 202302:05:46

Trance with Nia DaCosta

Probably the only film in history to hinge on the shaving of pubic hair as crucial plot point, Danny Boyle’s 2013 film TRANCE is…certainly something! Filmmaker Nia DaCosta takes a break from post-production on THE MARVELS to return to the podcast as we peel back the layers of this twisty hypnosis thriller. What is this movie actually trying to say? We don’t know. However, we *do* know that Vincent Cassel is wayyyy sexy, and that the film’s notorious electric razor sound effect was an unforgivable mistake. Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram ! Buy some real nerdy merch at or at

Steve Jobs with Olivia Craighead
April 16, 202302:58:45

Steve Jobs with Olivia Craighead

Calling all Sorkinistas - we’re walking, talking, and putting 1,000 songs in your pocket! Based on Walter Isaccson’s best-selling biography of the original Apple Genius, STEVE JOBS puts Danny Boyle in David Fincher’s shoes. What did we learn about this movie from the notorious Sony hacks? Is Michael Fassbender too hot to play Steve Jobs? Would it surprise you to learn that Ben Hosley is a life-long Mac user? Olivia Craighead returns to the pod and joins the Five Timers Club in spectacular fashion with a special throwback burger report. Plus - we do NOT thank the Apple II team, and David has strep. Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram ! Buy some real nerdy merch at or at

T2 Trainspotting with Scott Aukerman & Shaun Diston
April 23, 202302:19:40

T2 Trainspotting with Scott Aukerman & Shaun Diston

First they were addicted to heroin, now they’re addicted to *nostalgia* (but also still heroin)! Danny Boyle returns to the squalid Scottish world of Renton, Sick Boy, Spud, and Begbie for T2: Trainspotting, and Scott Aukerman and Sprague (aka the Artist Formerly Known as Shaun Diston) join us to talk about this under-seen legacy sequel. How did Danny Boyle and Ewan McGregor’s real-life feud influence this film? Is Spud’s arc in this basically just Bubbles’ arc in season 5 of The Wire? Which is the better “much-later sequel starring Ewan McGregor in an iconic role” - this, or the Obi Wan Kenobi series on Disney+? Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram ! Buy some real nerdy merch at shopblankcheckpod....

Yesterday with Zach Cherry
April 30, 202302:35:38

Yesterday with Zach Cherry

Our Danny Boyle series comes to an end with a mind-bending movie that dares to ask the question, “What if The Beatles didn’t exist?” Severance’s Zach Cherry makes his long-overdue first appearance on the pod to profess his love Boyle’s most recent film, while David nearly has a stroke from trying to wrap his brain around all its logic loops. We’re asking all the big questions - if the Beatles never existed, would Charles Manson? If cigarettes never existed, how would that change the colonization of the New World? If John Lennon is alive in this universe, does this mean that Paul is actually dead? When does Ana de Armas show up? Join our Patreon at Follow us @blankcheckpod on Twitter and Instagram ! Buy some real nerdy merch at sho...